First Time Producing a Webinar?

Producing a webinar for the very first time can be a bit scary. You are excited to have discovered a way to broadcast for free (using AnyMeeting) but you want to make sure you are executing this task correctly. A lot of pressure goes into creating a live webinar. Will anyone actually show up? Will you effectively get your message across? All I can say is: plan, plan, plan!

Free Web Conferencing and Free Webinar ServiceCreate a solid theme and topic that will be interesting to attendees, and drive the message home. Promote the event correctly, and invite others to attend in an appealing manner. Another AnyMeeting blog post provided great tips on how to promote your webinar on a tight budget—I suggest you read that article if you have not already.

Search, a website promotion company, created a blog along these lines. The author generated a short list for marketers new to webinar conducting called “My First Marketing Webinar.” After receiving the task of having to broadcast a marketing webinar for their online marketing service, the author’s mind began to race. According to the blog, success was found in not only starting with a solid topic, but developing a “Webinar Wish List.” This list assists in brainstorming to make sure that important Powerpoint slides, polls, and such are included in the presentation.

I think that this is a great place to start! Organization is KEY. Even if you believe that your message is simple and clear. Clearing your mind with a good brainstorming session will ensure that all aspects are covered the best way possible. The next tip is to research marketing and webinar platforms. I suggest researching before you start any project, and this is a great way to learn about new and innovative sites like AnyMeeting!

Some other helpful tips include creating webinar outlines promoting, and testing. Testing and practicing are extremely important – I think a lot of people forget or do not leave time to do so.

So don’t panic – webinars are fun when you think outside of the box and involve your audience. The attendees will most likely want to participate, and this is a great way to network, rather than just talking at the crowd.


My First Marketing Webinar,
